The plush figures love newcomers: they enjoy their ever growing community.
However, administration is becoming more and more difficult: Little Kid and Big Kid always have to rewrite the list of members, the registers for memberships in different groups and sports events, make more and more voting papers during elections and so on. So they had a talk with Bodri the Pooh.
Plush Republic is overpopulated", said Bodri in today's Leadership meeting. "We must do something about it."
A general congress was called together, where Fickó, the mayor of
Low Land said that he was feeling a kind of pioneering spirit moving in him, and is ready to leave to build another country somewhere else. He asked the animals if anyone felt like joining him.
Finally there was this nice group of
stuffed animals ready to go and see the world:
They were then prayed for and given the name
Pilgrim Fathers.